The General Data Protection Regulation
Privacy Policy: How we collect & process data
The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (Cap 586 of the Laws of Malta) regulate the processing of personal data whether held electronically or in manual form. The Ministry is set to fully comply with the Data Protection Principles as set out in data protection legislation.
Purposes for collecting data
Data concerning the applicant for a tablet (student or educator) is recorded in a database. Ministry of Education and Employment collects and processes information to carry out its obligations in accordance with present legislation.
Recipients of data
Personal Information is accessed by the employees who are handle requests by schools asking for tablets. This personal data will be disclosed to personnel assigning tablets, as per received applications, in order to inform schools and educators when tablets are ready to be collected. Disclosure can also be made to third parties but only as authorized by law such as the supplier of the tablets, Malta information technology agency or any other approved 3rd party providing services in relation to the One Tablet Per Child Project.
Your rights
You are entitled to know, free of charge, what type of information the Ministry of Education and Employment holds and processes about you and why, who has access to it, how it is held and kept up to date, for how long it is kept, and what the Unit is doing to comply with data protection legislation.
All data subjects have the right to access any personal information kept about them by the Ministry of Education and Employment either on computer or in manual files. Requests for access to personal information by data subjects are to be made in writing and sent on this email address: Your identification details such as ID number, name and surname have to be submitted with the request for access. In case we encounter identification difficulties, you may be required to present an identification document.
The Ministry of Education and Employment aims to comply as quickly as possible with requests for access to personal information and will ensure that it is provided within a reasonable timeframe and in any case not later than one month from receipt of request, unless there is good reason for delay. When a request for access cannot be met within a reasonable time, the reason will be explained in writing to the data subject making the request. Should there be any data breaches, the data subject will be informed accordingly.
All data subjects have the right to request that their information is amended. In case you are not satisfied with the outcome of your access request, you may refer a complaint to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner.
Data to be gathered is the following:
- ID of student
- Name of student
- Surname of student
- School and College
- Related details to parent / legal guardian giving consent
- Mobile parent / legal guardian (in case, we need to contact them for support on device)
Operational Programme II – European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020
“Investing in human capital to create more opportunities
and promote the well-being of society”
Project part-financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF)
Co-financing rate: 80% EU Funds; 20% National Funds